AFCN: Promotion of Written Culture
LEMI – Lectură pentru mine. Știința în slujba copiilor [EN: Reading for me. Science in the service of children] (January-November 2023)
LEMI is a cultural project in which the scientific methods serve an educational purpose. The goal of the project is to stimulate interest in reading during the first individual and collective reading activities (grades 0-IV). Stimulation, in this case, is associated with the motivation and satisfaction of children in contact with the text they are reading. The specific objectives of the project focus on the co-creation, together with representatives of the educational and cultural communities, of a digital tool which facilitates, mediates and encourages reading. The LEMI tool is intended to be an open-access tool with multiple functionalities: digital repository of children’s literature and / or texts, automatic text complexity evaluation and didactic materials. It is the first such tool for the Romanian language. Similar tools for other languages are also scarce.
DACRE – Discipline-specific expert academic writing in Romanian and English: corpus-based contrastive analysis models (2021-2022)
The DACRE project focused on expert academic writing, in Romanian and English (L1 and L2). The project resulted in the creation of the EXPRES corpus platform, launched in December 2022. The project results and data are intended to offer support for the improvement of the academic writing performance of the target groups (students, faculty, researchers and professionals).
ROGER – Academic genres at the crossroads of tradition and internationalization: Corpus-based-interlanguage research on genre use in student writing at Romanian universities (2017-2022)
The ROGER project resulted in creation of the bilingual (Romanian-English) academic writing learner corpus collected from Romanian universities: the ROGER corpus, i.e. Corpus of ROmanian academic GEnRes. The results of the project contributed to the understanding of what and how Romanian students write at the university level in both English and Romanian. The corpus can be queried via the free-access ROGER corpus platform launched in May 2022. The corpus and platform have been recently included in the CLARIN infrastructure as one of the (rather few) resources representatives of the Romanian language context.
ASSIST – Annotation systems for a corpus of academic theses (2015)
The short-term project ‘Annotation systems for a corpus of academic theses: contrastive corpus linguistics processing strategies in BAWE versus TESEC’/ASSIST is meant (a) to compare annotation methodology used for the processing of the BAWE corpus (Corpus of British Academic Written English) with the annotation methodology already implemented in the TESEC corpus (Corpus of Student Theses in Economics), compiled at the Department of Applied Linguistics of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, and (b) to identify the adequate annotation strategies for the content annotation of the TESEC corpus, together with the research team at the Department of English Studies of the Coventry University, conducted by Professor Hilary Nesi.
LIDHUM – Literacy Development in the Humanities: Creating competence centres for the enhancement of reading and writing skills as part of university teaching (2011-2013)
While literacy development in higher education traditionally has not been addressed directly, today it seems necessary to support reading and writing competences through means like writing courses, writing tutoring, online platforms, writing-intensive seminars and so on. The proposed project aims at developing competence centers that are devoted to the
development of writing/ literacy skills centers and to the study of student literacy. The development of explicit services fostering literacy development is part of new teaching directions such as proposed by the Bologna process. The project partners (University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; Ivan Franko National University, Ukraine; West University of Timisoara, Romania) will study the conditions and traditions of literacy development in their institutions and will develop competence centres that create a strong base for an academic writing and reading pedagogy.