[ConsILR ’23]: Rogobete, R., Bucur, A.-M. and Chitez, M., Resources and Tools: Challenges and Insights from CODHUS. Paper given at the conference 18th International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Natural Language Processing (ConsILR-2023), University Transilvania of Brasov, Brasov, Romania, 11-14 December 2023.
[RANPL ’23]: Bucur, A.-M., Dinca, A., Chitez, M. and Rogobete, R., Automatic Extraction of the Romanian Academic Word List: Data and Methods. Paper given at the conference RANLP 2023: Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Varna, Bulgaria, 4-6 September 2023.
[EUROCALL ’23]: Rogobete, R., Oravițan, A., Chitez, M. and Csürös, K., Developing LEMI: A new corpus based literacy support tool for schoolchildren. Paper given at the conference EUROCALL 2023 (European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning), University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 15-18 August 2023.
[International Conference Future of Education ’23]: Chitez, M., Rogobete, R. and Oravițan, A., Designing LEMI: the Romanian language tool that makes kids love reading. Paper given at the conference 13th International Conference Future of Education, Florence, Italy, 29-30 June 2023.
[Smart Diaspora ’23]: Chitez, M. and Rogobete R., Romanian Academic Writing Corpora: ROGER and EXPRES. Paper given at the conference Smart Diaspora – diaspora in higher education, science, innovation and entrepreneurship. Diaspora and its friends, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, 10-13 April 2023.
[WELCOME ’22]: Oravițan, A., Chitez, M. and Rogobete, R., Does Romanian School Writing Support Multidimensional Competence Building? A Linguistically Informed Assessment Model. Paper given at the conference World Empowering LUMEN Congress On Multidimensional Education (WELCOME22), Iasi, Romania, 22-26 November 2022.
[LCR ’22]: Chitez, M., Strilețchi, C. and Csürös, K., Meeting ROGER: An open-access bilingual corpus search platform. Paper given at the conference International Conference for Learner Corpus Research (LCR 2022), University of Padua, Padua, Italy, 22-24 September 2022.
[EUROCALL ’22]: Oravițan, A., Chitez, M., Bercuci, L. and Rogobete R., A Teacher’s Guide to Using Corpora to Improve Learner Academic Writing: Bilingual Corpus Applications. Paper given at the conference EUROCALL 2022 (European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning), University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland (online), 16-19 August 2022.
[TaLC ’22]: Dinca, A., Chitez, M., Bercuci, L., Oravitan, A. and Rogobete, R., Using bilingual novice and expert corpora to teach academic writing at the university: The case of ROGER and EXPRES. Paper given at the conference Teaching and Language Corpora, University of Limerick, Ireland,13-15 July 2022.
[NFEAP ’22]: Doroholschi, C., Bercuci, L. and Chitez, M., “This Topic Piqued My Interest”: Self-reference and Identity in BA Thesis Writing. Paper given at the conference NFEAP – Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway, 9-10 June 2022.
[SIG Writing ’22]: Bercuci, L., Doroholschi, C. and Chitez, M., Stance and voice: a corpus based cross-disciplinary study of student theses in English and Romanian. Paper given at the conference SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umeå University, Sweden, 20-22 June, 2022.
[ESIDRP ’22]: Oravițan, A., Chitez, M. and Rogobete, R., Assessing the readability of English L2 undergraduate literary analyses. A contrastive corpus-based approach. Paper given at the conference English Studies at the Interface of Disciplines: Research and Practice, Skopje, North Macedonia, 8-9 April 2022.
[Colocviu ’21]: Chitez, M., Tucan, D., Rogobete, R. and Pop, A.-M., Reviewing the review: A corpus based study of appraisal in Romanian university student writing. Paper given at the conference 21st International Conference of the Department of Linguistics: Current Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Bucharest, Romania, 19-20 November 2021.
[RADH ’21]: Bucur, A.-M., Rogobete, R., Muresan, V. and Chitez, M., Writing in English in scientific journals: an automated linguistic assessment model. Paper given at the conference RADH 2021 – The First International Conference on Recent Advances in Digital Humanities, Bucharest, Romania, 29-30 October 2021.
[EADH ’21]: Rogobete, R. and Chitez, M., Enabling digital humanities research skills through a new Romanian DH centre: the WUT case. Paper given at the conference EADH (European Association for Digital Humanities), Krasnoyarsk, Russia (online), 21-25 September 2021.
[EUROCALL ’21], Invited CorpusCALL Symposium Talk: Chitez, M., Contrasting novice and professional writing in academic disciplines: corpus-based lessons for teaching English with insights from L1 writing models. Paper given at the conference EUROCALL 2021 (European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning), Paris, France (online), 26-27 August 2021.
[BAS ’21], Keynote: Chitez, M., Digital Humanities and its multiple applications for research in English language and literature studies. Paper given at the conference The 30th Annual International Conference British and American Studies, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, 13-15 May 2021.
[EATAW ’21], Keynote: Chitez, M. and Kruse, O., Digital writing and digital humanities – twins, siblings, or cousins? Paper given at the conference EATAW (European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing) – The Residence of Writing Support, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, 6-9 July 2021.
[EATAW ’21]: Bercuci, L., Chitez, M. and Doroholschi, C., The challenges of internationalization: a corpus based model for measuring English-language norms in L1 student writing for writing support. Paper given at the conference EATAW (European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing) – The Residence of Writing Support, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, 6-9 July 2021.
[BAS ’21]: Rogobete, R. and Chitez, M., Elements of landscape in modern American and Romanian poetry: a comparative study using corpus related digital methods. Paper given at the conference The 30th Annual International Conference British and American Studies, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, 13-15 May 2021.
[L2W Seminar ’21]: Dinca, A. and Chitez, M., Are phraseological teddy bears discipline-specific? A corpus analysis of academic phraseology used by Romanian learners of English. Paper given at the conference L2W Seminar 2021 – Advancing research in L2 writing and WCF appropriation in pen and paper and digital environments: controlled and classroom-based studies, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, May 20-22.
[ESP ’20]: Bercuci, L., Pop, A.-M. and Chitez, M., Navigating corpora for self-directed LSP writing: a comparative study of digital method and resource integration in L1 versus L2 language courses. Paper given at the conference The 4th International ESP Conference – Mediating specialized knowledge: current approaches in ESP research and practice, Spain (online conference), 29-30 October 2020.
[Variety and Diversity in Writing ’19]: Doroholschi, I. C., Chitez, M. and Bercuci, L., So similar yet so different: an analysis of academic genre perceptions across disciplines. Paper given at the conference Vielfalt und Diversität im Schreiben. Schreibprozesse individuell begleiten / Variety and Diversity in Writing, Writing Centre of the Fachhochschule Wien der WKW, Vienna, Austria, 7 November 2019.
[Text-To-Data ’19]: Chitez, M., Bercuci, L., Dinca, A., Esanu, M., Rogobete, R. and Vornicescu, V., Debating on the happy symbiosis between politics and media: a corpus-supported analysis of the Romanian presidential election discourses. Paper given at the conference Research Methods (Text-To-Data), West University of Timisoara, Romania, 29-30 November 2019.
[Writing Analytics ’19]: Chitez, M. and Rogobete, R., The impact of e-feedback on student academic writing: a corpus-informed assessment. Paper given at the conference Writing Analytics (8th Edition) – Academic Writing in Digital Contexts: Analytics, Tools, Mediality, Winterthur, Switzerland, 5-6 September 2019.
[EATAW ’19]: Chitez, M., Doroholschi, C., Bercuci, L. and Luches, D., Cross-disciplinary academic genre research: a corpus-based methodological model. Paper given at the conference EATAW (European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing) – Academic writing at intersections, Göteborg, Sweden, 1-4 July 2019.
[BAS ’19]: Chitez, M. and Punga, L., Translation patterns in Romanian trainee texts: a corpus-based exploratory study at the interface between contrastive linguistics and translation studies. Paper given at the conference The 29th International Conference British and American Studies, West University of Timisoara, Romania, 16-18 May 2019.
[ELN ’18]: Bercuci, L. and Chitez, M., The most important academic genres at Romanian universities: survey results and context. Paper given at the conference 1st Literacy Summit of the European Literacy Network, Porto, Portugal, 1-3 November 2018.
[NFEAP ’18]: Doroholschi, C. and Chitez, M., The genre of ‘scholarly paper’ between tradition and innovation: a preliminary study at Romanian universities. Paper given at the conference NFEAP 2018 – The Future of Genres, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway, 7-8 June 2018.
[LSPHE ’17]: Chitez, M., Towards a bilingual comparable corpus of academic writing texts: first steps in ROGER. Paper given at the conference Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education – Current Trends, Approaches and Issues, Brno, Czech Republic, 9-10 November 2017.
[Writing Symposium ’16]: Kruse, O., Chitez, M. and Rapp, C., Thesis Writer: eine Web-basierte Lernumgebung zur Unterstützung von Schreibenden in Deutsch und Englisch (L1 und L2). Paper given at the conference Drittes Symposium zur Unterstützung von L2-Schreibkompetenzen an deutschsprachigen Universitäten, Munich, Germany, 7-8 April 2016.
[EARLI ’15]: Erlemann, J., Chitez, M., Kruse, O., Ott, J. and Rapp, C., Thesis writer: supporting writing processes in real time using a web-based digital learning platform. Paper given at the conference 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus, 25-29 August 2015.
[Konferenz des Forums wissenschaftliches Schreiben ’14]: Chitez, M., Kruse, O. and Rodriguez, B., Author roles in doctoral thesis introductions: a corpus-based contrastive study of German versus English theses in economics. Paper given at the conference Fünfte internationale Konferenz des Forums wissenschaftliches Schreiben, Winterthur, Switzerland, 05-06 June 2014.
[AWEAST ’14]: Chitez, M., Corpus linguistic applications in academic writing: examples and uses. Paper given at the conference First Conference on Academic Writing in Eastern Europe (AWEAST), Timisoara, Romania, 04-05 April 2014.
[WRAB ’14]: Kruse, O. and Chitez, M., The European Writing Survey: writing across the disciplines at a German university. Paper given at the conference Writing Research across Borders III, Paris, France, 19-22 February 2014.
[SIG Writing ’12]: Kruse, O. and Madalina, C., Student beliefs on „good writing”: an intercultural study across three languages. Paper given at the conference SIG Writing Conference 2012, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 July 2012.
[CLAVIER ’11]: Chitez, M. and Kruse, O., Genre mapping in academic contexts: a contrastive intercultural approach (D-I-F-E). Paper given at the conference Tracking Language Change in Specialised and Professional Genres, Modena, Italy, 24-26 November 2011.
[LCR ’11]: Chitez, M., Concerned in the problem: a bipolar system of multiple-function prepositions in Romanian Learner English. Paper given at the conference Learner Corpus Research 2011: 20 years of learner corpus research: Looking back, moving ahead, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 15-17 September 2011.
[PROWITEC ’11]: Kruse, O. and Chitez, M., Didaktische Genres an Schweizer Hochschulen: Ein Vergleich zwischen französischer, deutscher und italienischer Sprachregion. Paper given at the conference PROWITEC – Schreiben unter den Bedingungen von Mehrsprachigkeit, Rapperswil, Switzerland, 23-24 June 2011.
[ELC ’09]: Chitez, M., The Lexical Frequency Profile of Romanian Learner English – A Corpus-based Study. Paper given at the conference Second ELC International Postgraduate Conference on English Linguistics, Vigo, Spain, 30-31 October 2009.
[ICAME 30]: Chitez, M., Rethinking the profile of Romanian Learner English: RECAP vs. ICLE-RO. Paper given at the conference International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English, Lancaster, UK, 27-31 May 2009.
[ISLE ’08]: Chitez, M., Waiting for you: Error analysis of prepositions in Romanian vs. Italian EFL learners. Paper given at the conference First Triennial Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, Freiburg, Germany, 8-11 October 2008.
[Keyness ’07]: Chitez, M., Corpus-based WordSmith-supported frequency analyses: assessing EFL correctness through contrastive data from LOCNESS, I-ICLE and RO-ICLE. Paper given at the conference Keyness in text, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy, 26-30 June 2007.